Factory for production and storage of ice-cream in west Bulgaria

The delivered refrigeration condensing units are manufactured with semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors. Each condensing unit is equipped with electrical switchboard, weather protection housing and completely wired. The cold rooms are low temperature and are for storing ice-cream.

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Supermarket in north-east Bulgaria

The delivered refrigeration racks are equipped with electrical switchboards, completely wired, for middle and low temperature cabinets and cold rooms.

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Factory for production and storage of ice-cream in north Bulgaria

The delivered refrigeration racks are manufactured with different types of compressors – semi-hermetic screw compressors, semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors and 2-stage semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors. Each rack is equipped with electrical switchboard, completely wired. The cold rooms are low temperature and are for storing ice-cream.

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Factory for processing and storage of fruits and vegetables In south Bulgaria

In the factory has been delivered refrigeration condensing units and racks and have been built refrigeration installations for freezing tunnel for raspberries,  sorting room and low temperature cold rooms for storing raspberries. The refrigeration condensing units and racks are equipped with electrical switchboards and are completely wired.

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Dairy factory in north-east Bulgaria

In the factory has been delivered refrigeration condensing units and have been built refrigeration installations for middle and high temperature cold rooms. The refrigeration condensing units are equipped with electrical switchboards, weather protection housing and are completely wired.

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Shrimp processing factory in east Bulgaria

The delivered refrigeration condensing units are manufactured according to a specific customer request. Тwo independent condensing units from the same model are produced on one common metal frame with common weather protection housing and with a common electrical switchboard. The refrigeration rack is also equipped with electrical switchboard, weather protection housing and is completely wired. […]

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Meat processing factory in France

In the factory has been delivered refrigeration condensing units and have been built refrigeration installations for low and middle temperature cold rooms, production rooms, freezing tunnel. The refrigeration condensing units are equipped with electrical switchboards, weather protection housings and are completely wired.

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